Your Senior Clients’ Most Common Fears — And How To Assuage Them

Carl Osborne & Russ VanBelle
Carl Osborne & Russ VanBelle
Published on April 14, 2022

Learn more about common fears older adults have.

As people age, they start to worry about some different things than when they were younger. Many seniors share some common fears and concerns. They may need someone to talk to about these worries, or some help overcoming their fears. 

As their insurance agent, you can help them find resources to manage their concerns. Moreover, you can act as a sounding board to listen and offer advice. Read on for more information about your senior clients’ most common fears and how you can help assuage them, then reach out to us at American Senior Benefits for more information. 

Help Assuage Your Senior Clients’ Most Common Fears 

Seniors tend to share some common worries, fears, and concerns as they age. 

Fear of being alone. 

Many people fear being alone in their older years. Seniors start to lose people in their life more often as friends, siblings, and spouses pass away. As these important relationships are lost, seniors can become more isolated. Many people also watch their children grow, move away, and build their own families. This is the natural course of events, but it can also cause some anxiety and sadness in seniors who may feel left behind. 

Insurance agents are a good resource for lonely seniors. Help connect your senior clients with local community resources that provide community functions, like senior centers. You can help them understand how transportation costs could be covered through the county or Medicare. And you can help seniors who have no support at home with an independent living analysis and help with safety at home. 

Fear of falling ill or dying. 

The fear of death or becoming ill and incapacitated is a reasonable fear for all people. As we age, this reality becomes more concerning for many people. Even though humans understand their own mortality, facing it can be scary. In addition to death, many people worry about falling ill with a terminal illness or debilitating disease. 

Agents can help by discussing long-term care needs and life insurance options with their senior clients and families. Lifelong financial planning helps to alleviate some of the fears people have about becoming ill or disabled later in life. Additionally, life insurance is a helpful solution for people who are worried about leaving their dependents without support. 

Fear of anxiety or depression. 

Some older adults worry they will slip into depression or have greater anxiety as they age. These fears make sense. As people lose independence and bodily autonomy, they may feel depressed or anxious. Seniors losing friends and becoming more isolated also increase feelings of sadness and depression. 

Agents can help make sure their senior clients are getting support from their physician or through mental health treatment. Help your clients understand how their insurance or Medicare works, and what mental health services are covered. Simply talking regularly with a therapist can do wonders for depressed seniors. 

Fear of losing independence. 

Many people fear the thought of being unable to live independently. As people age, many will need increased support to stay safe at home. And some people will have to move to more supportive living conditions, like nursing homes. 

Agents are well-positioned to help assuage this fear in their seniors. Prepare them for their future needs by making sure they have sufficient long-term care coverage. Long-term care costs have been increasing, so talk with your senior clients about the amount of coverage they have and if it will be enough for their future needs. This type of insurance can help people stay independent at home longer, so it is valuable to many seniors. 

How Do I Learn More?

To learn more about common fears your senior clients may have and how to help address these fears, contact us at American Senior Benefits. Our affiliated experts will be happy to answer any questions you have. 

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